Flowers and Lace WIP, Organizing Update, and OMG!

2016-08-03 01.36.22

The flowers are coming along nicely. I expect to finish the leaves in my next update, and maybe whatever flowers (they look like cherry blossoms in the pattern) I miss following that? I started making more loopstarts which have been super convenient for confetti stitches and for when only one strand would suffice for the last stitches of a certain color.

2016-07-22 18.51.51

So, Leticia suggested these folders (thanks girl!) from Hobby Lobby around the time I was first reorganizing my cross-stitch projects and they’ve been wonderful. They’re originally for scrapbooking. Definitely find coupons for the store if you plan on getting these folders too!

2016-08-06 01.37.51

2016-08-06 01.36.51

The folders take up very little room and keep my projects neatly separated and organized.

And I found my “Good Fortune” FO from forever ago! After spending so much time looking for this project and giving up, it popped up when I was reorganizing/decluttering my room.

I’d like to end this post by giving a shout out to Eric, who recently followed me over on my other blog about eczema. He made a pretty awesome post for people to comment with a brief description of their blog and to help bloggers discover other people’s blogs. The post is a cool idea to connect people over WordPress, so kudos Eric!

Completed Projects and WIPs


burrito . ducks . elegant geisha . flowers and lace . good fortune . past, present, forever . surprise/mystery gift – batman! . teddy bear gathering

*linked webpage = completed project. no link = WIP