Blue’s Almost Done :)

Between being busy with work and rereading one of my favorite books, I finally finished the blue border! I have LOTS more white cross stitches to do before I get to the back stitches and the rest of the intricate details in white, haha.


9 thoughts on “Blue’s Almost Done :)

  1. I’m curious about your stitching schedule. When do you usually find time to do it? I try not to stitch in the evening because then I don’t want to stop and don’t go to sleep lol.


    1. I have a strange schedule if I can even call it that, haha. I work three nights a week and my sleep schedule is all over the place. Thankfully now it’s not difficult for me to fall asleep when I want to or transition between sleeping during the day or night (though staying asleep during the day is another thing, lol) so I fit in the stitching whenever I feel like it or really need the down time on my days off.

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      1. I usually stitch in the afternoons if I can because I’m busy in the mornings cleaning up after my pets and sometimes I may be go out. My afternoons are pretty open because I am currently jobless. I try not to stitch after 10 pm because in the past I wouldn’t want to stop stitching until like 2 am, which is pretty bad because then I’d end up sleeping in until about 11 am. I still stay up until 1:20 am nowadays. My trouble with sleeping is I just never know how to physically get into the mindset of going to sleep. Like, dim the lights, turn off my phone and stop looking at it, etc. Sometimes my mind keeps going and I can’t stop thinking about the list of things I have to do tomorrow or the day after. At times I can be influenced by the activity in my household if it’s not completely quiet and I actually feel a little anxious about trying to sleep and wondering if I can if other people are still up and about.


      2. Hm. What helps me (even though I love naps) is trying to avoid naps in the late afternoon, exercising, and reading a book around bedtime. Reading usually relaxes me. Also, does writing things down or journaling help with your thoughts? I use journaling as a dumping ground for my thoughts :).

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      3. I used to drink coffee 2x very late in the afternoon. Since the new year, I’ve kicked the habit and settled for not drinking coffee after 4 pm so I’m more inclined to feel drowsy/sleepy around 11 pm. I’ve read that caffeine can stay in the body for up to 8 hours after it is consumed, so that’s my main reason for not taking any caffeine after 4 pm.

        Journaling does help, although I’ve not been good with writing in my personal journal (pen and paper), unless writing on WordPress counts lol.


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